Welcome to the new CINCH website! Check out what we do and get involved.
Past Projects
For nearly two decades, CINCH has developed and implemented successful community health initiatives, which have included:
- Education and training
- Advocacy for policy
- Systems and environmental change
- Managing several projects related to specific children’s health topics.
Obesity Prevention
Swim 4 Life, 2012: Swim 4 Life established a joint use agreement between the City of Portsmouth and the YMCA of Portsmouth to provide swimming lessons to over 1,300 children since 2012.
Jump 4 Life, 2012: Jump 4 Life trained local individuals about jump rope techniques, skills, and games and provided jump ropes and support to start jump rope programs at their organizations, reaching over 2,400 kids in Hampton Roads.
StairWELL to Better Health, 2013: The StairWELL workplace wellness strategy to promote using the stairs was successfully conducted in several locations in Hampton Roads and can be used in any workplace with an elevator.
Business Case for Breastfeeding, 2010: The Business Case for Breastfeeding educated and provided materials for employers to create a breastfeeding friendly environment in 17 Hampton Roads businesses.
Special Projects
Healthy Portsmouth, 2010: Through a collaboration between CINCH and the City of Portsmouth, Healthy Porstmouth was developed to make Portsmouth the healthiest place to live, work, play, and worship through a city-wide health and wellness intitiative.
Pinch of Prevention, 2009: Pinch of Prevention is a series of short Powerpoint presentations designed to be given in a PTA meeting, church group, or the like around Family Fitness, Asthma, FAMIS, and Booster Seat/Seat Belt Safety.